Father's Day Gift Guide 2021

Stumped on what to buy for Dad? We’ve all been there; calling mum in a panic only to end up buying him the same gift voucher year after year. Dads are notoriously tough to shop for. Here at MOD we believe that gifts, like health and wellness, should be practical and personalised. Rather than sticking with the status quo, choose a Father’s Day present that matches your dad’s unique personality. We’ve put together a gift guide to help you find the perfect gift that suits him to a tee!


For the Smoothie King:

Whether dad is one to make a Protein Shake on his way out the door or one to sit back with his smoothie with the morning paper, the smoothie-loving dad deserves the best blender on the market!

With five preset functions, all dad has to do is tap the smoothie button and his pre-workout fuel will be ready in just a few moments.

It's also great for pancake mixtures. soups and sauces for dad's who like to get a bit creative in the kitchen!

For the health conscious Dad:

If your dad loves to find healthy alternatives to things like coffee and sugar, then the MOD Cold Press Juicer to his morning routine.

Dad will be able to make fresh celery juice to boost his energy, aid digestion and help detoxify his body the natural way!

Did we mention is also makes sorbet and nut milks? The possibilities are endless!


For the master of DIY

Is your dad known for his handiwork around the house? Does he manage to take the job of ten tradies and get it done himself? Sounds like you’re shopping for the DIY dad!

Give dad a tasty new project with the MOD DIY Cider Kit. This kit takes your MOD Cold Press Juicer and turns it into a small batch cider factory. It includes all the brewing equipment and step-by-step instructions dad needs to make his own cider.

The best part? He can customise it using different varieties of apples and invite his buddies over for


We hope you enjoyed our Father's Day gift ideas! 

happy fathers day


Recipe inspo: If you already have a MOD Cold Press Juicer and are looking for a recipe to make Dad on the special day, be sure to check out our Orange Juice with a Twist Recipe!